Terezínská iniciativa: | TI | časopis TI |
Institut Terezínské iniciativy: | ITI | publikace | databáze | uprchlíci | knihovna |
The Terezín Initiative Institute attempts to document names and fates of all prisoners of the Terezín ghetto and of other victims of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" in Czech Lands and to use this data in order to assist commemoration and promote Holocaust education. The information gathered in the framework of this documentation project is made available for survivors, family members, but also to the public, to historians and for schools.
Do you have corrections, additional information or can you provide photos and other documents related to the victims? Please contact us at:
Terezín Initiative Institute
Jáchymova 3
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
+420-222 31 70 13
Archival research, digitization of documents and development of database programs and Internet applications is very costly. You can also help us with a donation.
The Terezín Iniciative Institute created and administrates a database of the victims of the The database is available online, but just in Czech. The translation into English is preparing. Please direct your inquieries to database@terezinstudies.cz. Due to the significant number of inquieries, please take into account that it may take a longer time to answer. |
The series of the Terezín Memorial Books is a symbolical memorial to the Jews who were deported to the ghetto in Terezín. The individual records are structured in such a way that they resemble a symbolical epitaph. The volumes documenting names and fates of Jews from Bohemian Lands, Germany and Austria have been published so far. |
The goal of the project is to search, digitalize and publish documents, especially photos, about individual victims of the Final Solution of the Jewish Questionin Czech Lands. The until now unknown or unused documents from the archives and private collections will make it easier to understand the human aspects of the Holocaust. Thanks to the photos scanned in the framework of this project, the commemoration of the Holocaust victims will instead of long lists of victims more resemble thumbing through a family album. The documents collected in the Terezín Album project will be available as a part of the database of the victims at www.holocaust.cz web-site in the future and will be used in the Holocaust education. |
The Terezín Album project was supported by Claims Conference, by the European Union in the framework of the Culture 2000 programme, by Claims Conference, by the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund, by the Foundation for the Holocaust Victims and by the Foundation of the Jewish Community in Prague. |
Internet application assisting sharing of databases of victims and of documents that relate to the Final Solution of the Jewish Question
in Bohemian Lands. The goal of the project is to bridge the differences between the databases of the Terezín prisoners developed in different organizations: in Beit Terezín in Israel, in Jewish Museum in Prague and in the Terezín Initiative Institute in Prague. These institutions will share the databases of victims and develop a common database of digitized documents relating to the Terezín prisoners and other victims lf the Final Solution
. The Terezín Digital Resource Centre is not open for public and serves for a limited number of specialists only. Nevertheless, the information collected in this project will be in the future published through the www.holocaust.cz web-site.
Projekt je v současnosti finančně podporován Claims Conference.