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School Excursions to Terezín

Policies on Financial Support from Terezín Initiative

Dear Friends,

we are glad to invite you to visit Terezín, a place which is to serve as permanent reminder of the bitter fate of the prisoners and the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. We are convinced that this visit will animate the participants to reflect on the ongoing issues of extremism and racial, national and religious intolerance. However, before visiting, we do recommend you to familiarize yourself and your group with the topic of the Final Solution through prior study in class or through reading.

As the key organization of former prisoners in Terezín and other concentration camps, Terezín Initiative is especially interested in giving youths an insight into Jewish history and the extermination of Jews during Word War II. We award grants towards the financing of school excursions taking part in one of the workshops offerd by the Terezín Memorial.

We recommend field trips to Terezín starting for students in high/middle school in their 7th year of education or above. Trips of several days duration are recommended for those in their 8th or 9th year of education.

In applications for grants for one day visits, please mention:

  • dates of the visit
  • school
  • class
  • number of participants

In applications for grants for longer visits, please mention:

  • date of visit
  • school, organization
  • class, year
  • number of participants
  • project description (title, contents, person in charge)
  • preparation the participants have undergone
  • output of the project, processing results

Please send an invoice for the program completed issued by your school, as confirmed by the  Terezín Memorial as well as copies of the original invoices to: Terezínská iniciativa, Maiselova 18, 110 00 Praha 1.

Important:Expenditures exceeding the limit set by TI will not be reimbursed.

Valid from January 1, 2010

PhDr. D. Lieblová, chairwoman

RNDr. M. Vidláková, chairowman Board of Education

+420 224 82 63 11

Poslední změna: 23. 4. 2010