This contribution quantifies the Jewish victims in and from the territory of Czech
Lands during the Nazi occupation. The reconstruction is based mainly on materials from Czech
archives, such as lists of Jewish inhabitants and monthly reports of the SD and Gestapo. The
author analyses the numbers of both those dead who lived in the area (including the border area
annexed by Germany after Munich Agreement) and those who escaped from Czech lands and
were captured in other European countries. Moreover, on top of the at least 72,000 who died in
this manner, the author also identifies an other 1,700 people who died during Schutzhaft
, as well as 56 Czech Jews executed in course of the two martial law
periods. The remaining 1 100 people were killed fighting on the side of Allies. Therefore, based
on these figures, we may assume that the estimate of 80,000 Jewish victims to be a correct one.